Youtube was a useful site as when our trailer was uploaded it allowed feedback to be directly given in a comments section below. I found this way to be very different from the rest this was because i didnt have to to go and choose who to get feedback from but i had the luxury of people who i dont know from around the world giving their opinions.
Blackberry messenger and KIK messenger are very similiar, almost the same but just by different companies. Both were useful as they are instant and only required me to 'kik' or 'ping' a contact for their opinion on our work. Both allow you to send photos which made things easier. Last but not least, i used to facebook. This extremely popular social network site camoe in handy. I felt that it was almost youtube and blackberry messenger in one. As just like youtube, you can upload something then comment below and just like blackberry there is an instant message box in the bottom left side.
- Here is the positive feedback recieved about the horror teaser trailer.
From the feedback recieved we can infer that the sound was quite sucessful. The respondents felt that the music complimented our genre. One respondent said that the sound 'created tension' this is very positive feedback as one of the aims of our trailer was to provoke fear and create tension.
One of the youtube comments said 'i would like to see a short film on it now' this type of feedback shows us that our trailer was sucessful as the aim of a trailer is to make people want to watch the whole movie.
Here are some criticisms we recieved about the horror teaser trailer.
From the feedback given we now understand that our lighting could have been darker as this affected our trailer. The viewers felt that that bright lighting reduced the effect of the trailer and prevented it from being as scary as it could have been. The feedback has also told us told as that although the sound was effected it could have been slightly less dramatic as the more dramatic the more surreal our trailer sounds.
Poster Feedback
Here is some feedback on our poster from somebody who had a look at it via facebook.
The first thing the respondent said she liked was the non verbal communication displayed. She felt that the 'slight snarl' caused her to want to know his agenda and this created a 'creepy' look. We can also gather that the make up of the 'klown' in our poster has achieved its aim. The respondent said that the make up of our poster resembles the Joker. In the make up stages we used a picture of The Joker as a guide as we felt his trademark make up is recognised, effective and increases the creepiness of his look. We wanted to also do this and from this feedback we understand that we have succeeded.
Magazine Cover Feedback
The feedback on our magazine front cover was very good. The respondent found that the consistency in colour was effective and eye-catching. She said that the colour red immediately reminded her of blood and the use of the 3 lettee S's was quite catchy. Another thing that she said worked well was the font. When writing 'Klowns' we decided to go for paint-like/dripping font as we felt this would be creepy and would make the title of our horror trailer stand out. Once again, the make up was briefly complimented. However, it was said that the cover could come across quite empty and could have included abit more such as a random colour to grab attention.
Here are the statistics from our trailer on youtube. Immediately we understand that our trailer has not only been viewed in the UK but has been seen in Japan, Canada and America.
The dominanting sex is females with 71.4% while males at 28.6% which is not a suprise as horror genres are more popular when it comes to females as to males.
The statistics also show us that our trailer is most popular here and in America which is also not a suprise as both countries take interest in the horror genre.
The total amount of views for our trailer currently stands at 200.
On the right is our audience retention. We can see that it is almost stationary and at one level which is a good sign. However, there is a slight increase near the beginning which shows us that the audience may well have fast forwarded it by a few seconds to get to pass the quick introduction and get to the trailer. We see that towards the end the viewing drops slightly then increases again towards the very end.
I have gathered audience feedback by using social networking sites such as Facebook, Youtube and Whatsapp. This is the easiest and fastest way to get feedback as it is instant and can be done at any time.
Here are some of the feedback I got for the Teaser Trailer, Poster and Magazine.
I had posted the 3 items on facebook and left a message saying
"Hey Guys, So for my A2 media project we had to create a Poster and magazine for our Horror teaser trailer. Please Like, Comment and Share. Criticism Welcomed :)"
"Let them know, also the "klown" needs bigger feet, all clowns have big feet"
"Awesomeness ! :D"
"Why was she walking suspiciously through the woods? has she not seen horror films before? she was asking for trouble"
"Nicely Done"
"Strong image but the text on the left doesn't look as professional as everything else"
"ooo I like the jokes are over thing =D"
"- Last font dont look too good at the side on the bottom (personally I dont know about the others
-Barcode looks fakee xD like its just cutted off
Other that that its good^^"
"I LIKE the dude very good manic expression!! NIOOCE not too sure about the 'funny...right' though"
"The face is good and the main titleee...but the other fonts are hard to read and not very eyecatching... use more of the space"
"I love the strong clown image (Y)"
"There is a good colour scheme going on, it really gives off a horror clown vibe =)"
"holy moley this reminds me of ophan. make it stop! make it stopp!!"
"this one looks the best the caption up top looks out of place AHAHA"
"Holy Shiet at these pictures =S"
"so sick"
"OMG thats soo damn Freaky O_O"
After collecting and reading all the feedback, overall it was quite positive. However there are things I could improve just by listening to the audience feedback.
After reading the feedback given, I feel that we could have improved by filming at a time that wasn't so bright and sunny because it didn't give off a horror vibe to the audience. Viewers also felt the the trailer was too predicable and they felt that it wasn't scary enough to make them really want to watch more, however they liked the angles, shots and quality of the trailer as if it was quite professionally done.
Overall the film magazine had great reviews, they all thought that it looked very professional. The only really negative comment I got for the magazine was that the strip of colour that was behind the 'Speaking, etc' was too bright so I think that I could have improved by choosing the colours more carefully and also choose the font better, due to the fact that we took photos late for the magazine and poster I had limited time to complete the magazine.
Poster 1:
Everyone thought the image used for the horizontal poster was very strong
Poster 2:
Poster 2 was much more effective then poster 1 as the audience found it a lot more scarier. This was because they found that the right eye was out of place and creepy. The mixture of 2 different images created a very distorted image giving a very odd clown vibe of mystery. The only thing that I think could be improved is the quality of the image.
This is what my private message said.
With this however i also asked people to say which of the two posters did they prefer.
Again we had a lot of good comments. People commented on them saying they were very effective and the clown especially in the
first poster is quite scary and weird looking.
These are some of the comments made. comments made about Poster 1.
"whoa that's scary. it reminds me of the joker but you guys made this one look even more sad and evil. creepy"
" I like this one the best, I think you should change the font on where is says funny right though!"
"Really like the effect with the eye but maybe have the lighting more on the eye though, but really good work"
As i uploaded our teaser trailer on Facebook the views also went up on youtube. Youtube is extremely useful in seeing if we have really reached our target audience.

So by following this i feel we have reached our target. However the age range was easy to accomplish as we had an advantage of being young ourselves. All of our friends that we asked to look at our products were of a similar age to us.
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