Prototype productions
After looking at our blog i came to the conclusion that it was not rich enough and many things were missing. To help me decided and acknowledge everything that was missing i had a look at other blogs and brainstormed what i think our blog needed. I formulated a list of all the things that needed to be completed. The picture to the left displays this list. I informed my group members and we had a meeting about this. The list helped us organise ourselves and pointed us in the right direction.

We then had a next meeting and in this meeting, we split the list into three parts and decided who was going to complete what, according to our strengths, weaknesses and preferability. Doing this meant that each member of the group could get on with their own work. It prevented confusion and things started to work out quicker and easier. We decided that our aim was to complete our invidual tasks before half term. Doing this would ensure that after half term we can move our focus.
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