1 September 2011 ~ Prototype productions

The Group

We are an A2 Media group of students consisting of Jason, Berry, Becky and Hoalie.


Producer/Cameraman/Director/Main Editor.


Graphic Designer/Web Developer/Editor.





Thursday 29 September 2011

Meeting three - REBECCA

In this meeting we all came prepared with all our ideas written down or  in a rough storyboard. Each person presented their idea to the rest of the group and we all took notes writing down what we thought. we had to take into consideration that we wanted a short and snappy trailer and also that with our limited resource's we were able to achieve it. In the end we created a story board that we were all happy with as it was a mixture of our ideas and we had all contributed to it.
The title fortunately come very quickly to us. The film was to be called 'Klowns'. This was because our killer was a clown but the K was a subliminal message meaning killer clown. The influences for our trailer was the film 'IT' and the Joker from 'Batman'.
We decided on doing clowns as we wanted something deifferent from our peers and preivious A2 students. Psycholoigical horrors had seemed to be very popular so we wanted something orignal.

Monday 26 September 2011

Meeting two - REBECCA

Today we discussed ideas for our trailer. In the summer we had all researched sub-genres in horror so we used our research to help us decide what sub-genre we wanted  to use for our trailer.
Already a lot of ideas were flowing in however, after watching these trailiers we went home and agreed to present our ideas in our next meeting. We were split between doing a slasher or a psychological horror. As we couldn't decide we decided to all watch some horror trailers together to get some inspiration. As well as looking on you tube for trailers we were also lucky enough to watch the trailers the previous A2 students before us had done. We were showed the best ones and we were also shown the worst ones. This helped a great deal as it showed us what to aim for and what not to do.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Meeting one - REBECCA

Our first meeting was a chance for all of us to introduce our self's to each other. we explained our strengths and weaknesses and how they can help and contribute to the group. According to our strengths we set each other roles in the group.
we exchanged numbers and we also connected socially over Facebook. This is so we can access each other even at weekends. holidays and after college.