1 April 2012 ~ Prototype productions

The Group

We are an A2 Media group of students consisting of Jason, Berry, Becky and Hoalie.


Producer/Cameraman/Director/Main Editor.


Graphic Designer/Web Developer/Editor.





Friday 27 April 2012

My tester teaser trailer - BERRY

This is a tester teaser trailer i made outside of college with a friend. I just wanted to test out my ideas and have a go at using the camera and just gaining a little feel. I did it because i thought it would be fun and i could show the rest of my group my idea.

Althought my tester wasn't to be serious, scripted and planned i payed attention to things that i could potentially use in the real teaser trailer. In my tester teaser trailer i ensured my actress was wearing a white dress to represent her purity and cleanliness. It showed she was the victim and made her look vulnerable and innocent.

I decided to film during the night time to reflect the horror genre and because i wanted to follow the popular convention in horror films as they usually involve alot of darkness.

I also used a point of view throughout so the viewers would be watching the trailer through the eyes of the killer. This allowed them to also see the victim and her NVC.

My tester trailer began with a small amount of light as we proceeded the lighting decreased this foreshadowed her killing and represented the fact that the chase was coming to an end.

This tester teaser trailer was alot of fun and definetly gave me some ideas.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Pre-Production/Planning - BERRY

Our Research
To create a teaser trailer that would be successful we needed to understand what our audience was looking for and what would appeal to them. We felt that their will came before ours because what we were willing to create may not be what they are willing to see. We decided to go on a little research spree and ask different people what they expected and what they would pay to see. Research didn’t only consist of opinions but on statistics – knowing what age and sex take interest in the Slasher genre is vital so that we wouldn’t end up aiming for the wrong audience. We decided to carry out our research in different forms to keep it different and to help us too. Interviewing the candidate via camera meant it was fun for us and fun for the interviewee.

Our Genre
Deciding on a genre was harder than we thought it would be as we had to take in account the equipment and resources we had. The time, money and most importantly what genre would be most successful. Slasher would have been easy in some sense as costume and setting did not require plenty of work as conventions of Slasher films show. However, we had to question ourselves if things such as weapons would be accessible and safe.

Our Title/Logo
We decided we wanted the name of our Logo to be sophisticated and professional and we decided that we would leave the scariness to the film title. Prototype Production sounded professional and very media related. However ‘Klowns’ sounded spooky and provoked fear. We realised that a lot of people have a fear of Klowns and based upon our research we found that a lot of people associate Klowns with bad things. Therefore, we concluded that it would make the perfect film title. 

Our Plot
We wanted our plot to be simple and to follow the usual conventions of a slasher film. Therefore, we research successful slasher films and took ideas and included them in our own film. A great example was Halloween. The killer is in search of a particular female, is always dressed quite casually with a mask and usually displayed with a weapon. We did this in our trailer where the killer was dressed casually, the victim was a female running away from the killer and our killer also had a weapon.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Evaluation Q1

Q1 - Discuss the use of conventions of teaser trailers and the use of horror in your video or in general.

Below, each member of our group have answered this question starting with Berry then Jason then Rebecca and then Hoalie.


Red = Conventions I followed  Blue = Conventiosn I didnt follow                                                                                                                                                                         I I am going to be discussing the codes and conventions of our chosen sub-genre as a whole. Our chosen sub-genre was Slasher. My group felt that this genre meant we could explore and be creative. We felt that using Slasher meant that we could include a variety of ideas

In Slasher films there are usually a group of characters that we become familiar with. The group is usually a set of 5 or more teenagers or young adults ranging from ages 18-24. The group usually consists of 2 couples in a relationship. Amongst the group there is usually the ‘dumb blonde’ who is in a relationship with someone else in the group. She is usually one of the first to get killed and is very over dramatic and loud. The ‘dumb blonde’ doesn’t usually believe that there is ‘someone out there to get them’ and can often make fun of the fact that others think they are in danger, hence why she probably is one of the first to get killed.  

In Slasher films, as previously stated, there is a group of teenagers. In Slasher films the costume of the teenagers usually consists of revealing attire. The females are usually dressed in shorts, skirts and tops that display midriff. The majority of the females either have medium length or long hair hanging down. The guys usually dressed in quarter lengths and vests. The stereotypical idea that killers in current Slasher films are dressed up isn’t always true. The killer is usually dressed quite casually consisting of chunky work-like boots with baggy jeans or overalls just like a normal person for example, in Halloween. However, the killer may wear a mask to hide his identity but would still be wearing ordinary attire.

Props (Weapons)
The name of the sub-genre ‘Slasher’ immediately informs us what type of weapons could be included. Weapons are usually brutal, sharp work objects such as knives, axes, machetes, chain-saws, hammers and saws. All of which are weapons that ‘slash’ and weapons which have work use and are usually easily accessible or lying around. The weapons used provide instant kills and little pain as they are instant. However the saying ‘live by the knife, die by the knife’ does not apply to the killer as whenever struck by one of the weapons the killer always seems to survive almost indestructible.  The weapon is always displayed with a close –up usually, in the killer’s hand which is masked by a glove.

As previously stated the characters consist of young people, therefore settings are likely to be teenager dominated areas such as high school, parties, camp and last but not least the woods. These are places that teenagers are familiar with places that the audience immediately link to young people. However, sometimes the teenagers can be unfamiliar with such surroundings such as the woods hence why they are unaware the place is maybe ‘known for danger’ and hence why they get lost and end up in unsafe territory. For example, Human Centipede the two young girls initially get lost in the woods and seek refuge in a nearby home which ends up being danger. The location is usually somewhere remote, making it difficult for the victims to be saved and seek help. In Slasher films killings usually take place on a symbolic date e.g. ‘Friday 13th’ or maybe an anniversary of something that happened in the past or maybe a specific time of the day e.g. ‘when the moon rises’.

The lighting of Slasher films varies throughout. As previously stated, some beginning scenes take place in high school or in the woods during the day. Therefore, as expected lighting would be high-key and natural light. However as we get nearer to the killings the night edges closer and lighting becomes low-key. The majority of the killings take place in darkness with little light so the viewers can make out what is happening.

The killer is almost always a normal human being who has been through some difficulty in the past such as abuse, unfairness and prejudice or maybe witnessed something bad. This causes them to withdraw themselves from society and go to somewhere isolated such as the woods. When people trespass this causes the killer to go on a killing spree and kill the trespassers one by one. On other occasions, the killer has a grudge from the past and is seeking revenge so will therefore search for a particular person to kill them and whilst searching for this person the killer will kill the people he finds on his journey.  The killer appears immortal as he always survives when attacked. Sometimes, the killer is amongst the teenagers but the others are unaware and oblivious to the fact that the person they are looking for is within. The teenagers sometimes guess that the killer is amongst them but always accuse the wrong person and find this out when it is too late. The killer’s identity is usually revealed in the last scenes e.g.  Scream

Music/Sound Effects
Music is not a popular convention when it comes to this genre, I believe this is because Slasher is made to appear real and adding music may make ti appear surreal. When sound is heard in Slasher films it is usually diegetic and part of the film itself for example loud club music may be played by the teenagers in the woods to show that they are having a good time and they are happy before trouble starts. However, non-diegetic sound is sometimes used in Slasher films to help us recognise things. For example, in Halloween there is a specific sound that is repeatedly played whenever the killer is coming. The audience become familiar with this and understand that whenever we hear this sound – trouble is on its way.

The editing in Slasher films usually consists of quick, short cuts whenever the victim is running and distorted angles whenever someone is being murdered to represent uncomfort and pain.

At the start of the year we looked at the basis of horror and the different sub genres i.e. Paranormal, vampire/werewolf, j-horror, splatter, slasher. The one we decided to choose was slasher which has its own set of conventions. Things like woods, dark alleys, small towns for the settings. We have certain characters such as the slutty girl who dies, the final innocent girl who lives and a man as the killer who usually has a troubled childhood problem to explain his madness. There are the killer has a signature weapon and identity for example Jason from ‘Friday the 13th has a machete and a hockey mask

 and Leather face had a chainsaw and a disfigured mask. With all this I managed to come up with how to make this clear in our trailer that it a slasher using these conventions.

I had to rely on the more visual aspects because it’s not really suiting to reveal the plot in a teaser trailer. So I have a wood which I picked because I feel it has quite a spooky feel to it and you always get the feel of being alone and lost. A lot of teen horrors are conventionally set in a woods where teenagers go to camp out or party and the killers interrupt them, there are also a lot of famous chase scenes in woods because in a such a intriguing area as a wood you can hide and be completely exposed at the same time with this and the interesting sounds of twigs and certain animal noises it gives for a very exciting, tense and mysterious setting. Some famous scenes such as the chase in ‘last house on the left’ where the victim runs away from the rapist murderers until she finds the water to swim away in,

 also the ‘Blair witch project’ a very genre breaking film was completely set in a wood and worked extremely well, to create that effect that they wasn’t alone but they couldn’t escape. 

 As for comparing with the Slasher sub-genre that we have chosen a lot of chases such as many of the ‘Friday the 13th’ films where Jason would chase teenagers to their brutal deaths through it 

 and ‘Wrong turn’ which is mainly set in a wood/forest where a bunch of disfigured cannibals are trying to kill and eat the people who have accidently ended up in the forest. 

Another common convection that I have is the teenage female victim. I had chosen Anna and was happy with how she fit the mark. In a common Slasher film the victims are usually teenagers, pretty, and depending on how naughty, innocent they are depends on how they live. 

But for a teaser it isn’t really necessary to go into the latter. Bit appearance and age wise Anna fit the role. A lot of different horrors use a kill to draw in an audience, many films start with an opening scene being a killing so the audience can have something exciting to entice them into sticking through the build to the later killings and it is usually this sort of character one that I have used. Then finally the most important thing to have a in a slasher is your killer and our killer is equipped with a hammer and a persona of a clown. So it is pretty clear that is a slasher to the audience watching. 

Another thing I looked at was the conventions of a teaser trailer itself, I know that it should be much shorter than a trailer as it used to tease the audience so it should be around 30 seconds to 1 minute. It will be made a long time before the actual film, usually before it’s even fully filmed. It is separately made footage to give the audience a little taster of what’s to come. Another reason why they are made is to see how people respond to them and so they know if it is the right decision to go ahead with the project. Our trailer is 50 seconds which is perfect time for a teaser trailer. I also made sure that the trailer didn’t give much away, it was all based around one place and you never really see the killer, but you know that he is a clown, because of the clothes, the laugh and the title. So people will want to know what he looks like. Teaser trailers are to tease and I feel that’s exactly what I’ve done.


Q1:  In What Ways Does Your Media Production Use, Develop or Challenge Forms & Conventions of Real Media Products?

Before beginning our A2 course work we were asked to research into horror films,trailers, magazine front cover and posters. Doing this allowed us to get an in depth knowledge of the different conventions in each genre of horror. We had decided a sgroup to do a slasher for our A2 horror teaser trailer so this meant we had to focus on the conventions typical of slasher films.

When making our horror posters we decided on doing two of them on portrait and one landscape. This was a little bit of a risk as we had to make sure we organised our time well and finish everything on time, but we felt that this would benift us and it also followed the ocnventions of most films.
We found by the films we researched that they usually had more than one poster especialy if they were high budgeted films and we wanted to make ours look professional.

On both of our posters our 'Klown' is the main image'. The make up its self was inspired by the Joker from Batman, but the effect on this poster, with half of his face faded into the background, was a mixture of inspirations. 

Our main inspiration was the poster of Hostel. This too had half of the mans face darkened but not to the same extent to ours. We saw the Hostel poster and liked the dark mysterious effect it delivers and decide we want that we wanted a similar style. 
With horror posters I found that mainly the killer (antagonist)  was on the poster, however, on occasions i also found victims who are in pain on the poster too. This i feel is following conventions as our killer is the main image surrounded by darkness. What may have challenged the conventions is the fact our killers full face is on show and is also smiling. It  is rare for the killer on the poster to be smiling. This suggest very much that he is twisted and enjoys doing what he does. 
As i researched more into it i found that with slashers it was mainly the killer that was on the poster, for example Nightmare on elm street and Friday the 13th.
As we have a killer as our main image we are again following conventions. 

Also similarly to many posters we have made a big gold title with credits directly below it which is at the bottom of the page. This i found was very common and was a convention we have followed. There are a few posters however that have the title and credits at the side or diagonally like the SAW poster for example and this tends to show unbalance. Our group though decided to follow the convention as when we experimented with where to put it the, the middle bottom was the best . 

A convention we followed intentionally was the fact that we decided to not add a month of when the film was coming out. As this was a teaser poster we knew we shouldn't give away too much detail. Some tease posters even went as far as to leave out the credits and almost all of the had a season or year of when the film would be released. 

We  also followed conventions in terms of color. Red, black and white are used throughout our posters and this again is a common convention in horror posters. Black would connote darkness, while red connotes black and the white would possible represent the normal life the victims once lived. They also contrast well with each other. 

Another example of how we followed conventions is our tagline. 'Funny... right?' 
This again was common in most of the posters i had researched. 
e.g.  Final destination- rest in pieces
       Woman in black- fear her curse 
        Nightmare on elm street- welcome to your new nightmare. 

These are just examples of different tag lines used on posters  but as you can see each tag line links into the film into some way. Final destination consists of brutal and gruesome deaths and the line rest in pieces is a play on this and the saying rest in peace. This is the same as any other tag line, it will always have a meaning behind it. With our tag line we tried to put a humor element into it as clowns are a form of entertainment.  


Q1) Film Magazine
Using the standard conventions of a music magazine front cover I have based and incorporated my magazine around it and created my own music magazine front cover. 

At the beginning of this project I analysed a horror magazine front cover called ‘Gorezone Magazine’. I analysed the magazine to see what makes this specific magazine stand out amongst the others that have a similar genre and a similar target audience. This has helped me on what conventions I should use to develop my music magazine.

A common convention I have used is to put a bold masthead on the cover. Like every other masthead on magazines, I have used a large, bold masthead that goes across the top covering almost a quarter on the front page. This convention is used to brand the magazine so that it will be known. I have used the colour white for the masthead with a red stroke and outer glow so that it stands out from the background.

An example of mastheads are from the magazines Empire, Total Film, Jade screen, Studio and Premiere. These music magazines have their masthead going across their magazine.
Looking at the mastheads of existing magazines, I can see that the font used are solid with the use of a solid colour as well.
I have developed my magazine masthead further by using a font that isn't solid, as you can see I used a font that has gaps and has a graffiti spray effect. I have also carefully picked this font due to the fact that it suits the genre of the magazine and it will also attract a younger audience.   

Here are 6 front covers of different music magazines. All of them have one main image of a film character, they all use close up or medium shot
Analysing various music magazines I have noticed that a majority of them do not use plain background. I have challenged the convention by using a background that is plain and solid colour. I have used a black background to keep with the mystery of the horror genre.
I have used a main central image for the front cover which is the main focus, this is usually an image of a film character that is the main feature of the issue. It is a close-up shot, with the right side of his face shadowed black to create a sense of mystery.
As I saw on various other Film magazines, cover lines do not interfere with the main model on the front cover, so I placed the cover lines so that they do not cover up the models face and still can he clearly seen.
One main convention used in magazines are cover-lines. This helps attract the readers attention to carry on with wanting to read the magazine. They are usually distributed around the cover with covering the main image.
Music magazines usually stick to one or two colours for their font, I have used this convention by choosing to use three colours which is red, white and grey. I have chosen these colours because it stands out the most from the background which means that it will catch the readers attention very easily.  
Looking at other music magazines I can see that they have kept most of their cover-lines on one side of the magazine, which is usually the left side. This has been done so that while the magazine is still on the shelf they can be seen and read by people browsing and catches their attention. I have decided to use this convention so that my magazine can catch the reader to pick it up and buy the magazine.
I have placed the date, issue number and website on the left side of the masthead, although not all magazines place it there, I did this because I think the information is important and should be place somewhere on the cover that can be seen clearly.
I have placed the price next to the barcode at the bottom left corner of the magazine, I have done this so that it is easier for people to take note of the price when paying for the magazine.    

Friday 6 April 2012

Evaluation Q2

To promote our film we will need to focus on Cross Media Promotion where we will use different ways of advertising. We start with our posters which is always a main way of promoting a film.    

We have two posters both with the face of a clown the title and tag line. There are only slight changes with the picture. The fonts are kept the same to keep continuity and synergy in our product so that when people see the picture of a clown or see the distinctive red and white 'k' or maybe the tag line 'funny.....right' people will see this and know it is all to do with the new film 'Klowns' it helps with our CMP and give a theme to our film which is a good way to get it popular.  
 There are different ways to then promote our film using advertising or technology. Here I have put the poster on a billboard to show how it would look. This would be a good way to get people aware of the film.

We would get with big magazines and get front page coverage to promote the film which is another way to promote our film. 

We will use the internet to do this is also. Make a website, themes, adverts, promos, app's; for smartphone, tablets and chrome, Xbox and PS3 themes and much more. 
After our film comes out in cinema and then is ready to release for people to watch at home. We would release on BlurayDisc and DVD as shown here.  


What things did we do that created synergy.
The continuous use of the colours black, white and red is an example of how we used synergy to make our magazine front cover and poster cohesively relate to each other. The audience will then be able to identify and relate our products to each other, increasing the awareness 'KLOWNS'. The colours used in the poster and magazine cover each represent important features in our teaser trailer. The red represents the blood of the victim on the hammer towards the end of the trailer. The t-shirt the actress wore was a crisp white which ties in with the bold white colour of the headline on the poster. The black used on the poster and magazine from cover reflected the 'eerie' ambience of the teaser trailer.
We ensured that we used the same actor who featured as the klown on our poster and magazine cover. The consistent use of the same actor allows our product to be easily recognised. His eye-catching makeup and snarling expression is also kept the same in order to keep the cohesive look.

Displaying a weapon in our logo and our teaser trailer was essential so our theme of horror would be recognised at all times through all of our products. Though we did not use the same weapons in our trailer and films logo, our audience are able to identify the use of weapons used in both of our products and relate them to one another. The synergy between the use of the weapons amplifies the fear and gore we want all of our products to bring.

The actors face on both the magazine cover and the poster is only a partly shown whist the rest of his face blends in with the dark background. This reflects the mystery which we created in the teaser trailer as his face was not shown at all. The products all work together to build a picture of how the klown may look. They consistently each show a part of the klown without giving away his full identity. Our aimed has been achieved through our the synergy of our three products.
Althought the magazine's background is dark,  half of the klowns face is bright, which reflects the brightness of the trailer.

Promoting our media products were quite simple as we did it all our self through websites such as Facebook and you tube but actually creating a buzz for it was much more challenging. I do feel however that our media products (movie trailer, poster and magazine front cover) works very well together as a promotional package as we managed to maintain brand continuity throughout. 

Personally i used Facebook and Twitter to make people aware of our video ensuring as much people as possible watch it. Many people are now using smart phones so it is very likely that people were viewing our media products on the go on the smaller screens of their phones. This I feel is beneficial to us as people can access it anywhere and are more likely to view them. I do not believe that viewing our products on smart phones will be a problem and i have an iPhone and was able to easily view them and zoom into places without any pix-elation.  

Easy to view our products on the go through Facebook or Youtube! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Our branding i feel also helped and we kept the same sort of theme throughout our products. For example we continuously used the colors black, white and red. Even the killer follows this color scheme with his make up. 
The 'K' in klowns is also iconic and something that can be used as branding for our film. 
The style of our title is also easily recognizable and easy to associate with our film. we had used a ransom type style Font. 


Brand Identity

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. So for us we had to create a very unique and distinctive Film title/Killer character for our film so that it is easily recognisable by the audience and is referred back to our film. 

Here is our title/logo that we have created to be distinctive for our horror film, This is a Brand identity we have given the film so that if it was seen on the public streets it would be recognised to be our film.

Public advertising is a great opportunity for brand awareness. Buses are a great way of advertising as its very common on the streets of London, pedestrians, people in cars  and also people on the bus will see these advertisement. So by putting it on the side of London buses, The film will be known by the public, Those who are not interested will also know about the film which makes this a form of 'push' advertisement.

Another great way of getting the film recognised is by advertising it on the side of a bus stop shelter. It will be seen by pedestrians and people waiting for the bus. This will be seen by our main target audience, which are students of about 18-24 working class people, They are less likely to own a car so will more likely to take buses, and waiting at the bus stop they will see this and will become interested and may want to watch the film. This will make them very aware of the film title which is our brand we want to get known, this can lead to a word of mouth promotion as this generation uses social networking sites the most. 

Building and Subway billboards are also a way of getting the film brand known. They will be seen by people waiting for the tube or by passing cars/cars stuck in traffic. Because these billboard are large in size they could be seen from a far distance.

So by combining our posters and using a range of advertising methods we could get a great deal of Brand Identity and be known for the type of font used

Thursday 5 April 2012

Evaluation Q3

To gather all my feedback i used social networking sites and video sharing sites. This consisted of youtube, facebook, blackberry messenger and kik messenger by apple.

Youtube was a useful site as when our trailer was uploaded it allowed feedback to be directly given in a comments section below. I found this way to be very different from the rest this was because i didnt have to to go and choose who to get feedback from but i had the luxury of people who i dont know from around the world giving their opinions.

Blackberry messenger and KIK messenger are very similiar, almost the same but just by different companies. Both were useful as they are instant and only required me to 'kik' or 'ping' a contact for their opinion on our work. Both allow you to send photos which made things easier. Last but not least, i used to facebook. This extremely popular social network site camoe in handy. I felt that it was almost youtube and blackberry messenger in one. As just like youtube, you can upload something then comment below and just like blackberry there is an instant message box in the bottom left side.

- Here is the positive feedback recieved about the horror teaser trailer.

From the feedback recieved we can infer that the sound was quite sucessful. The respondents felt that the music complimented our genre. One respondent said that the sound 'created tension' this is very positive feedback as one of the aims of our trailer was to provoke fear and create tension.

One of the youtube comments said 'i would like to see a short film on it now' this type of feedback shows us that our trailer was sucessful as the aim of a trailer is to make people want to watch the whole movie.

Here are some criticisms we recieved about the horror teaser trailer.
From the feedback given we now understand that our lighting could have been darker as this affected our trailer. The viewers felt that that bright lighting reduced the effect of the trailer and prevented it from being as scary as it could have been. The feedback has also told us told as that although the sound was effected it could have been slightly less dramatic as the more dramatic the more surreal our trailer sounds.

Poster Feedback
Here is some feedback on our poster from somebody who had a look at it via facebook.
The first thing the respondent said she liked was the non verbal communication displayed. She felt that the 'slight snarl' caused her to want to know his agenda and this created a 'creepy' look. We can also gather that the make up of the 'klown' in our poster has achieved its aim. The respondent said that the make up of our poster resembles the Joker. In the make up stages we used a picture of The Joker as a guide as we felt his trademark make up is recognised, effective and increases the creepiness of his look. We wanted to also do this and from this feedback we understand that we have succeeded.
Magazine Cover Feedback
The feedback on our magazine front cover was very good. The respondent found that the consistency in colour was effective and eye-catching. She said that the colour red immediately reminded her of blood and the use of the 3 lettee S's was quite catchy. Another thing that she said worked well was the font. When writing 'Klowns' we decided to go for  paint-like/dripping font as we felt this would be creepy and would make the title of our horror trailer stand out. Once again, the make up was briefly complimented. However, it was said that the cover could come across quite empty and could have included abit more such as a random colour to grab attention.

 Here are the statistics from our trailer on youtube. Immediately we understand that our trailer has not only been viewed in the UK but has been seen in Japan, Canada and America.

The dominanting sex is females with 71.4% while males at 28.6% which is not a suprise as horror genres are more popular when it comes to females as to males.

The statistics also show us that our trailer is most popular here and in America which is also not a suprise as both countries take interest in the horror genre.

The total amount of views for our trailer currently stands at 200.

On the right is our audience retention. We can see that it is almost stationary and at one level which is a good sign. However, there is a slight increase near the beginning which shows us that the audience may well have fast forwarded it by a few seconds to get to pass the quick introduction and get to the trailer. We see that towards the end the viewing drops slightly then increases again towards the very end.

I have gathered audience feedback by using social networking sites such as Facebook, Youtube and Whatsapp. This is the easiest and fastest way to get feedback as it is instant and can be done at any time.

Here are some of the feedback I got for the Teaser Trailer, Poster and Magazine.

I had posted the 3 items on facebook and left a message saying

"Hey Guys, So for my A2 media project we had to create a Poster and magazine for our Horror teaser trailer. Please Like, Comment and Share. Criticism Welcomed :)"

Some of the comments I received from each product:

"Let them know, also the "klown" needs bigger feet, all clowns have big feet"

"Awesomeness ! :D"

"Why was she walking suspiciously through the woods? has she not seen horror films before? she was asking for trouble"
"Nice :D my only criticism would be that the bars which say 'SPEAKING!' etc are a bit to bright ^^"

"Nicely Done"

"Strong image but the text on the left doesn't look as professional as everything else"

"ooo I like the jokes are over thing =D"

"- Last font dont look too good at the side on the bottom (personally I dont know about the others
-Barcode looks fakee xD like its just cutted off
Other that that its good^^"

"I LIKE the dude very good manic expression!! NIOOCE not too sure about the 'funny...right' though"

"The face is good and the main titleee...but the other fonts are hard to read and not very eyecatching... use more of the space"

"I love the strong clown image (Y)"

"There is a good colour scheme going on, it really gives off a horror clown vibe =)"

"holy moley this reminds me of ophan. make it stop! make it stopp!!"

"this one looks the best the caption up top looks out of place AHAHA"

"Holy Shiet at these pictures =S"

"so sick"

"OMG thats soo damn Freaky O_O"

After collecting and reading all the feedback, overall it was quite positive. However there are things I could improve just by listening to the audience feedback.

After reading the feedback given, I feel that we could have improved by filming at a time that wasn't so bright and sunny because it didn't give off a horror vibe to the audience. Viewers also felt the the trailer was too predicable and they felt that it wasn't scary enough to make them really want to watch more, however they liked the angles, shots and quality of the trailer as if it was quite professionally done.

Overall the film magazine had great reviews, they all thought that it looked very professional. The only really negative comment I got for the magazine was that the strip of colour that was behind the 'Speaking, etc' was too bright so I think that I could have improved by choosing the colours more carefully and also choose the font better, due to the fact that we took photos late for the magazine and poster I had limited time to complete the magazine. 

Poster 1:
Everyone thought the image used for the horizontal poster was very strong 

Poster 2:
Poster 2 was much more effective then poster 1 as the audience found it a lot more scarier. This was because they found that the right eye was out of place and creepy. The mixture of 2 different images created a very distorted image giving a very odd clown vibe of mystery. The only thing that I think could be improved is the quality of the image. 


Seeing the comments of my trailer on youtube, I have realised that overall my trailer has done well ‘amazing x x x’ someone comments which tells me they must of enjoyed it to an extend where it is not just good it is amazing. Then there is this quite detailed comment which which gives me a strength and weakness, whilst also saying it is really good. In this comment I have been told a strength in the trailer would be that the music compliments the footage which is good to know since next time I will know that it did work well. This comment also tells me a weakness which is in this case the lighting, saying maybe the brightness takes away the scary atmosphere, having this comment is very useful since it can help me improve because next time I will know to shoot it at a different time in the day or maybe edit the lighting. There is another two comments which both say that ther trailer is good ,’this is some good stuff’ which tells me that they enjoyed it so I have achieved my purpose. A comment says that he/she would like to see  a short film on it now therefore giving me the immpression that he/she was engaded through the trailer and wants more.

This is my poster which I have then posted onto Facebook to see the reactions of people. As you can see there are many comments and not one comment is a bad review. I have been told that it looks professional which is very good to hear since I wanted it too look professional. There is a comment that mentions he thought that it was a new film coming out which is overwhelming to hear since hearing this means that the poster must look real. People have mentioned that it is scary, and when creating we wanted the face to scare and shook people into being interested which clearly has effect on these people.

Here using the stats on YouTube I can see when my video is viewed, where it is viewed and other bits of information.  
So here I can see where my video is viewed in the different parts of the world and as I would have thought the most views are in Great Britain where I live.
. And also I can see my views are getting higher as days progress, so this could mean that either it is being shared, or people are becoming more interested.

It was important to get feedback for our products and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the pieces. I personally used two websites to gather peoples opinions from my target audience on my products. I used the social networking site Facebook and the video sharing website Youtube. 
Facebook allows all your friends to comment on the things you upload. So through Facebook i uploaded our teaser trailer, the two posters and the magazine front cover. I put a caption up when uploading my pictures explaining that this was coursework and if people would tell us their opinions, i also mentioned both praise and criticism was welcome. I wanted to get as much feedback as possible so i then sent private messages to all my friends.
This is what my private message said. 

Sorry to bother you but when you get the chance will you please do me a favour.
Basically my group have made 2 horror posters, a magazine cover, and a teaser trailer (There is a Youtube clip) They are all on my wall and we need as many people as possible to comment u can be as critical as you like! as we need as many people as possible to comment on all of them.
This is for my media A2 coursework.
please comment on both the album and the  video below it. 

Here you can see How i posted my products and where people commented.
For our teaser trailer we had a lot of very nice comments complimenting what we had done.However this may be due to the fact the all the comments were from friends and they may have been reluctant to give us constructive criticism. I did receive a couple of comments though telling us what may need to be improved. Of course the lighting was mentioned as this was a big problem for us. It was also mentioned by one girl that maybe we should of shown a bit of the clowns face during the trailer, and one boy said that we had switched between camera angles a bit too much at the beginning.

 Here you can see i uploaded the pictures separately and i asked people to comment just like how i did with the trailer. 
With this however i also asked people to say which of the two posters did they prefer. 
Again we had a lot of good comments. People commented on them saying they were very effective and the clown especially in the 
first poster is quite scary and weird looking.                
These are some of the comments made.  comments made about Poster 1. 

"whoa that's scary. it reminds me of the joker but you guys made this one look even more sad and evil. creepy"

" I like this one the best, I think you should change the font on where is says funny right though!" 

"Really like the effect with the eye but maybe have the lighting more on the eye though, but really good work"

Comments for poster 2

"Not too big of a fun of this one, prefer the other one , the lack of substance works well for the horror genre, but i feel i need a bit more in the poster"

" This the best 1
paranormal activity have made a trilogy using simple posters, nothing wrong with it, less is more"

 "I prefer this one the other one is a little tacker"

Comments on magazine front cover

" Colors compliment the face, maybe more features could be added"

" Excellent lighting on the face, showing only half. Good use of structure, also really like the tag line. Well done :D" 

"Very good face draws you in"

These are only a few of the comments made but as you can see we had both strengths and weaknesses of our product. 

As i uploaded our teaser trailer on Facebook the views also went up on youtube. Youtube is extremely useful in seeing if we have really reached our target audience. 

This here tell us whether male or females watch our trailer more and what age group watches it the most. It seems that girls had watched our trailers the most and that our age group were people aged between 13-24. 
So by following this i feel we have reached our target. However the age range was easy to accomplish as we had an advantage of being young ourselves. All of our friends that we asked to look at our products were of a similar age to us.