This is a picture of the victim who is a young mixed raced female. Her make-up it subtle and her hair is long and black and she is an average teenager. We chose to use her as our victim; as a common convention of horror movies is to have a young, attractive female as the victim. We decided to stick to the convention of victims being females but also go against some conventions slightly as we noticed that in horror movies the females are typically blonde, and wear quite revealing clothes. Our victim is more average, her clothes are not revealing is she is an everyday teenager. She represents the stereotypical good girl that is portrayed in horror movies. She is pretty, calm and clever. In our trailer the victim is running away from the killer. The killer eventually captures the victim and kidnaps her.
A famous character that represents our character is Jamie lee Curtis in Halloween. In Halloween she is nothing but scared and afraid and she seems to just want all this toruble to end. She is constantly being chased Michael and gets very frustatrated.
This is a picture of the killer who is also a 'klown',a young white male. We chose to use this person as our Killer as we believed we could work with appearance to make him look scary. As our genre is slasher we felt that our killer needed to look fierce, dominant and intimidating. In our trailer the killer is chasing after the victim and he kidnaps her.
Our killer is mentally unstable, disturbed, angry and seeking vengeance. He does not fit into society and is a reject so he therefore isolates himself from the community to a secluded area which in this case is the woods. This is why the kidnap and killing takes place in the woods as the victim is on his territory. A famous character that our character mirrored was Michael Myers from Halloween who is also an outcast, angry and is seeking revenge. Both Michael Myers and our character are very normal in the sense that they are dressed in casual attire, are human being and have only a mask to hide their identity.
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