1 Film Poster Textual Analysis - HOALIE ~ Prototype productions

Saturday 10 March 2012

Film Poster Textual Analysis - HOALIE

Black crows: in the secondary image, you can see that there is a picture of some flying black crows surrounding the primary image and also surrounding the house, normally you would associate black crows with death as their presence is there when there is a corpse near, so adding some crowns into the secondary image creates the sense of death and negativity towards the poster, it’s a good effect to use when advertising for a horror movie.

Primary image: The primary image is a typical generic situation, a young mother that is supposedly on her own who is looking after her child, involving a child into horror movie to create the sense of mysteriousness is highly used in horror movies as a common convention of this genre, the young boy and a helpless single mother on their own can create some good suspense into what the film is going to involve.

The weather type that has been chosen use extremely bad weather conditions to create the effect of a very negative atmosphere, although in this poster it’s a lot more in depth and noticeable due to the size of it and the attraction to the black crows, most horror movies will use this weather effect to create the sense of negativity towards the film.

The house in the background: The house is a very common thing which was seen in a lot of younger ages horror movies but not as much so more. The poster shows a haunted house with a very spooky look, a lot of dark areas around the house and the dark sky reinforces its scary approach, this would typically be the house that the main characters would be residents and a number of strange horrific events occur throughout.

As you can see in the background image, the house that’s being displayed is on its own and there is no other accommodations anywhere to be seen, an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere isolated from the rest of mankind is a good way to create the effect of mysteriousness and a spooky approach, your first prediction would be the house has been abandoned and either the main characters have moved into the house or they go through a series of events they have ended up at this haunted house.

In the primary image the characters are looking directly at the camera which creates a connection between the audience and the character, one reason for this could be because it created the effect that they are crying out for help, hence the reason they are looking directly at the camera, another reason for this could be because something evil is coming and their looking at it, creating the sense that is in this poster, although you can only see these two main characters, they are not alone.

The tagline that has been added to this poster says “children can experience paranormal phenomenon. They see what adults cannot, and they are trying to warn us!” this is a good advertising for a number of reasons, firstly it allows us to know that the film involves ghost due to the use of paranormal, or some form of other life, and also by adding an exclamation mark at the end emphasising the seriousness of it making it look more dramatic to the audience.

The title of the movie is called “The messengers”, the typography of this is a range of distorted letters spelling out the specific title ‘messengers’ by making the type distorted, it makes it look a lot more weird and peculiar, you can also make links between the tagline and the title which could be why the font of the title has been distorted, due to giving it that ghostly free roaming effect.

The text at the top of the poster advertising who is starring in the movie has been typed in some sort of gothic font which helps keep the horror and spooky setting consistent, all key parts such as the actors/actresses and the tagline which creates a hierarchy for the audience to view the information.


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