Name: Fatima Twiggy
Age: 18
Education: Full - Time sixth form student
Interests: Indie Bands, Magazines, Movies, Skins, Misfits.
Past-time: Social Networking sites such as Facebook & Twitter.
Name: Abigail
Age: 18
Education: Full-time sixth form student
Interests: R&B Music, Movies, TOWIE, Geogie Shore
Past-time: Hairdressing
All in all, i feel our target audience should be teenagers 18 plus. I think that teenagers oyunger than 18 are also fans of horror but the content of our slasher will not be suitable for anyone below the age of 18. Teenagers have quite abit of time on they're hands and the ones in full-time education are also a great target as a horror film is a good way of having a break and fun. Slashers are really excitign and keep you on the edge of your seat and teenagers are the type of people that search for this type of adrenalin.
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